Closet Turned Craft Room

Posted By:  Stephanie

OH MY GOODNESS, I have my own CRAFT ROOM!  I was originally supposed to have my craft space in our laundry room but that just wasn't working out.  My space kept being taken over and I didn't get to use my craft space, not even once.  I finally got to the point where I thought enough was enough and I needed to officially have my own little corner for my crafting fun.  I talked to Will about my idea to move our things in the closet into the laundry room (more on that later) and then turn our closet into my craft room.  I was SO pleased when he agreed completely and was happy to help with the change.

There is still a lot to be done to make the room my own but this is what it looks like so far.  In the before my clothes are not  in the picture because I thought to snap it after all my clothes had already been taken out, they were on the right.  Please notice how crisp and white the room looks in the after picture.  My way awesome husband painted the room for me and I didn't even have to ask!  Previously it was a dull wall paper with some funky stripes.  Not anymore yahoo!

See those pink crates?  Those are brand new from Walmart.  I was so excited when Will and I found these for $1 each, regular price $3.49 each.  Sweet savings!  I wanted something to be able to put all my supplies because I don't have drawers and I wanted to be able to make the shelf look a little more uniform and organized.

We could have taken down the shelf but I actually decided I wanted to keep it there so that I can store things on it if I would like, or maybe I'll use it to display things eventually.  I'm not sure yet but I thought that if we took them down I would be sorry.  Lets be honest, it would have been a lot more work too.  I may eventually take down the one rod that we left up, but for now I think I may end up using it to organize some of my things.  I'll post about that when and if the time comes too.  Will put this shop light in the room for me so that I would have plenty of light when working on my projects.  He put in a bulb that is like natural light which is nice because there isn't a window.  It works great!

Will ran the cord to the light down the wall in the corner and it plugs in under the desk in my extension cord.  There aren't plug ins in the closet my craft room so the extension cord is plugged in out of the room right around the corner in our bedroom.  I will just pull the plug in the room when I'm not using it so that isn't not out the door all the time.  The table is from Ikea.

I got the small black crates at Walmart too.  I'm not using them yet but I'm sure I will be very soon.

This is my super exciting purchase that Will convinced me I should really get it I wanted it, and I DID!  I've been wanting one of these for awhile and I'm glad I waited until I had my craft room to get it.  I think that made it even more exciting.  I will eventually hang it on the wall, I'm just waiting to use the room for a bit so I know exactly where I want it.

I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am to have my new craft room!  Thank you Will for being such a great support of my crafting and my need/want for a craft space.  Thank you even more for painting and installing that light!  I love you!

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