Our Day at OMSI

Posted By:  Stephanie

My Girl and I went to OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry) yesterday with our friends Deanna and her sweet daughter Miss L.  Our girls are two weeks apart so it is fun to get together to play.  My Girl had a great time, she will have even more fun when she's walking on her own completely like Miss L. does.  It will be a new world for her!  Deanna purchased a year membership and can bring a friend so we got to go too, which we really appreciated.  I love to take My Girl places where she is around a lot of other kids and can explore new things.

My Girl played with some blocks and train parts.

Checked out a ball.

Looked at me with this silly face.  She looks SO grown up here!

My Girl talked to some fish,

and played with Miss L. at the light table.  Miss L. is wearing a squirrel costume she found there.  So cute!

Most of all she liked watching the other kids play.

Thank you Deanna and Miss L. for taking us, we had a great time and enjoyed spending time with you!


  1. I so love the fact that your such a great MOM!


  2. Thank you dad, that means a lot. I love you!

