Toddler Tuesday - A Mug Gift from a Toddler

Posted By:  Stephanie

Good morning and welcome to Toddler Tuesday.  I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend, and I really hope that those of you who work or have a spouse that does got the enjoy a long weekend!

In my last post yesterday found here you will see all the info and links to other posts about Bubba (Kristi) and I and our birthdays.  If you've been following along you're probably ready for the birthday posts to be over but good news is, they almost are AND you wont have to hear about our birthdays for an entire year!

Will and I gave Bubba her birthday present on her actual birthday but because we all got together yesterday My Girl gave her gift to Auntie Bubba then along with the rest of the family.

This is a great gift idea for your toddler, or young child to give as a gift.  We got the permanent markers and the mug from the Dollar Store for a total of $2.00 and the gift is worth so much more than that to Auntie Bubba and My Girl loved making it.  In fact, she got upset when I wouldn't let her continue drawing on her highchair tray, and we both got marked up because of this gift but it was SO worth the look on my sisters face.  I wrote a message to her from My Girl on the mug, and drew a few balloons then let her have at it.  She drew lots of great squiggles and the project was complete, made with love.

While she was working on this project I took a picture of this bracelet I made for Will.  We decided to go back in time and make hemp bracelets, it had been a long time and was pretty fun.  Now that I'm older it went together A LOT faster then it did when my hands were much smaller.

I can't find the site we used that had great pictures on how to make it, but there is another site here that looks like it might give some good instructions.  That site also talks about making them with beads, have fun going back in time like we did!

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