Little Girl Gift Idea

Posted By:  Stephanie

I love these little feet!  They belong to my sweet 2 year old Little Lou.  She LOVES to have her toes painted and feels so special every time she looks at her feet.  Her friend was having a birthday party who is turning 5 on Tuesday and when thinking about what to get for her we decided to get her a gift certificate for a manicure and pedicure.  It's always fun to get someone a gift that is a little different then they would normally get, and what 5 year old gets manicures and pedicure gift certificates?  I don't know many, that's for sure!  I just I would share this gift idea and also tell you that if you do get a gift certificate for a little one in your life, check with them, a lot of times they have a cheaper price for children under 12.  We were able to purchase a manicure and pedicure for $30!  She is a special girl and we were so happy to celebrate her birthday with her.

What are some gifts that you give kids that might be a little out of the ordinary?  We would love some great gift ideas!


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